FUNERAL LITURGY PLANNERS - Volunteers that visit the family of a departed loved one to assist in planning the funeral liturgy.
BEREAVEMENT MEAL MINISTRY- Teams of volunteers that prepare, present, and serve a wonderful meal for the family and friends of a deceased parishioner.
RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE: furthers the Pro-Life position of the church.
SCOUTING PROGRAMS: are sponsored by our parish with adult leaders directing the programs that are geared to boys & girls from the ages of 8 to late teens.
DECORATING COMMITTEE: the committee works with the Altar & Rosary Society a and the Liturgy Committee to enhance the appearance of the new and old churches throughout the year.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK: volunteer parishioners who bring Holy Communion to the home bound.
MEAL MINISTRY: supplies meals to families that may be suffering from grief or short term illness. Will also supply meals to those who have recently had a baby or are recovering from an accident.
COLLECTION COUNTERS: meet weekly to count and prepare the weekend offerings for deposit.
BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC: is scheduled one weekend per month, under the direction of parish nurses.
COFFEE & DONUTS: offered after two morning masses to provide fellowship among our parishioners and facilitated by volunteers.
LADIES OF CHARITY: provide help and cheer to those in need.
PARISH PLAYERS: a community based theater group open to all on Grand Island that offers a yearly productions.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CLOTHING COLLECTION BINS: are on our premises to receive your donations.
FOOD PANTRY: is housed in our old church under the direction of the Grand Island Neighbors Foundation.
PARISH LIBRARY: is open to all parishioners and has an extensive collection of books & videos on religious topics.
PRAYER CHAIN: a phone tree of parishioners who will pray for your needs when you contact the rectory.
GARDEN CLUB: dedicated volunteers who see to the beautification of parish grounds.
CATHOLIC CHARITIES COMMITTEE: oversees all aspects of the yearly diocesan appeal.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: Good Samaritan Council & Mary Star of the Sea Council are both located on Grand Island. While they are not parish organizations, they actively involve many Catholic men on Grand Island and beyond.